RCIPT / (List of Papers shown in the cause of K12-Rasch_Analysis)
The Research Center for ISME-PROMS in
Taiwan(RCIPT) holds this seminar and focuses on Rasch measurement issues.
Prof. Wen-Chung
Wang (Department of Psychology of National Chung Cheng
University,Taiwan) is Program Chair for RCIPT. Those
interested in presenting papers to RCIPT sessions are requested to submit
proposal(s) of less than 1000 words including the title of the paper. A 100-word
abstract is also required.
Issues in Health
Care field are welcome.
Those interested to present their papers for this session are
requested to submit their proposal to the Organizing Committee. Deadline of
submission has been set on Nov. 30, 2005.
All proposals and abstracts should also include the name(s) of
the author(s), position(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
(phone/fax/e-mail). Title of the paper should be short, preferably less than 15
words. The proposals and abstracts should be written in English (in MS Word
format only) or in Chinease. Each proposal and
abstract to be sent should be in hard copy (A4 size paper with Times New Roman
12 font) and an electronic soft copy (via e-mail),
Format for proposal can be downloaded here.
Important Dates:
Jan. 15, 2006 : Notification of acceptance of proposals
Dec. 30, 2005 : New deadline for early registration (with payment)
Contact Us or submit proposal(s)