Wrong or Right Choice Test
------------------------------- K I D M A P--------------------------------
ability:0.78 logits correct items:24
% score: 70.59 total items:37
SE : 0.38 missing data:3
Infit MNSQ: 1.27 Outfit MNSQ:1.31 (.6 < Outfit<1.4)
Infit STND:0.59 Outfit STND:=0.63(within +/- 2.58)
sum(z-sqrt) : 1.35 t STND:1.34 (within +/- 2)
Test Reliability = 0.8 Person Reliability =0.91
delta--------Harder Achieved ----------------------Harder Not Achieved -------prob.
2.3 | |
2.2 | |
2.1 | |
2 | |
1.9 | |
1.8 16 | | 0.27
1.7 | |
1.6 | |
1.5 27 | | 9(0) 0.33
1.4 17 | | 0.35
1.3 | |
1.2 | |
1.1 28 | | 0.42
1 | |
0.9 | |
0.8 12 |XXX| 0.5
0.7 | | 29(0) 19(0) 0.52
0.6 | | 10(0) 0.54
0.5 1 21 22 | | 0.57
0.4 | |
0.3 6 | | 15(0) 0.62
0.2 36 | | 0.64
0.1 | |
0 33 | | 0.69
-0.1 11 32 8 | | 0.71
-0.2 31 | | 0.73
-0.3 18 | | 0.75
-0.4 | |
-0.5 14 | | 24(0) 5(0) 23(0) 0.78
-0.6 | | 30(7) 0.8
-0.7 25 | | 0.81
-0.8 35 | | 0.83
-0.9 | |
-1 20 | | 0.86
-1.1 | |
-1.2 | |
-1.3 | |
-1.4 | | 7(0)^ 0.9
-1.5 | |
-1.6 | |
-1.7 13 | | 0.92
-1.8 | |
-1.9 | |
-2 | |
-2.1 | |
-2.2 | |
-2.3 | |
-2.4 2 4 | | 0.96
-2.5 | |
-2.6 3 | | 0.97
-2.7 | |
------------Easier Achieved ----------------------Easier Not Achieved ----------
note:---indicates ranges of +/- one standard erro from person estimated ability, shown as XXX
* = zscore out of range of +/- 2, +/- 2.58 for ^,items limited to less than 100
sum(z-sqrt),roughly equal to outfit MNSQ, was calculate by best test design on page 79
Infit STND & Outfit STND referedt to Sheu, C.-F.*, Chen, C.-T., Su, Y.-H., & Wang, W.-C. (2005).
Using SAS PROC NLMIXED to fit item response theory models. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 202-218.
refer to http://www.eddata.com/resources/publications/EDS_Rasch_Demo.xls
You are grouped into levle 3
person SEPARATION index= 2.02, strata=3 refered to 3.725,1.325 logits